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What We Do




Working closely with our clients we provide exceptionally experienced and highly motivated UK Government trained surveillance personnel together with the latest technologies to meet objectives. Our operations are conducted ethically within UK law, providing an evidential product and intelligence collection capabilities unparalleled in the Private and Commercial sectors. 

Conventional Surveillance.

Our human surveillance teams are amongst the most highly trained and experienced operatives commercially available in the UK. They utilise static, foot and mobile surveillance to monitor, observe, listen and record a persons movements, associations, meetings and conversations corroborated by imagery and recordings where appropriate. 

Technical Surveillance.

Our technical surveillance capabilities utilise the latest technologies and are usually deployed in support of our conventional teams. They include vehicle/asset tracking, audio eaves dropping equipment, covert audio/visual camera systems, worldwide access remote covert imaging systems and business communications monitoring.  

Counter Surveillance.

Our counter surveillance techniques establish whether conventional or technical surveillance is being conducted and if so, who by.

We are unable to offer this service directly to private individuals but undertake deployments requested by "at risk" organisations where a potential threat is identified. Additionally we offer this service to UK Government trained specialist protection teams operating privately within the UK subject to due diligence. 

Covert Protective Surveillance.

Our highly trained surveillance personnel bring all the elements of conventional, technical and counter surveillance together with their behavioural detection capabilities to provide an unassuming covert protective overwatch to either compliment close protection or operate completely independently. These deployments can be venue, location, route or person specific and utilised to identify and mitigate risk intended to disrupt events and/or threaten attendees or provide highly discreet personal/family security.

Specialist Covert Surveillance


We collect intelligence and secure evidence in support of investigations and confidential enquiries throughout the UK and further. 

Utilising only the most highly trained and experienced surveillance personnel our specialist services include:

  • Conventional Surveillance

  • Technical Surveillance

  • Protective Surveillance

  • Counter Surveillance

  • Specialist Kidnap response

  • Professional Litigation Support

Developing trusted partnerships through the delivery of critical surveillance solutions. 

We work closely with our clients to tailor bespoke solutions to meet objectives and surpass expectations. Our evidential collection is fully compliant with UK law providing a product supporting prosecutions, legal proceedings and Employment Tribunal hearings.

Our intelligence collection deployments identify risk, highlight intelligence gaps and pinpoint exploitation opportunities to guide future decision making and strategies.

Every member of our team has extensive experience in handling confidential and sensitive information. 




We provide outstanding client focused operational delivery and support with repeat business accounting for more than 90% of our operations.

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